Photographies d'art par Markus SCHILDER

Markus Schilder was born 1972 in Germany but moved to Australia, after finishing his studies as computer engineer and some years as programmer. A second degree in photography allowed him to quit his job and start his professional career as photographer. A two year trip around the world shooting for Kodak allowed him to visit numerous countries. Returning from this long journey he decided to settle down in Paris where he enrolled with French photo agency Rapho/Top. His work was published in numerous books and magazines and he worked for Art et Décoration and National Geographic.

He joined french agencyHemis in 2016. When not out and about shooting on assignment, he likes Taekwon-Do, cycling but most of all travelling. His  favorites are Japan, Hong Kong and New York.

Résultats 1 - 15 sur 15.
Résultats 1 - 15 sur 15.